Have you tried sending recurring emails?

Hey there,

I’ve been doing this productivity hack for the past 5 years, and I’ve finally taken the time to create a nice product around it. What I’ve been doing… and what Recurrr will help you do… is send the same email, again and again.

Think about it:

  • you can have recurring events in your calendar
  • you can have recurring tasks in your todo app
  • but you CANNOT send recurring emails

No email client will help you do that… and it’s a pitty, because that can be so useful! I can personally vouch for it, because it’s been helpful to me, for 5 years. Here’s how I benefit from it:

(1) I turn recurring calendar entries… into recurring emails

I do that right before I say “yes” or propose a regular meeting myself! Think about it – if you have a Daily X, or Weekly Y or Monthly Z entry in the calendar… do you actually need it to be a meeting? Or would it be more efficient as an email? ‘Cause sometimes… converting one meeting into an email… can save A LOT of company time. That’s why I highlighted this use case on the home page.

Think about it – can you turn something that’s ‘sync’ into ‘async’?

(2) I beat procrastination with recurring emails

There are certain tasks on my todo list that I know I should be doing, they’re important, but I absolutely dread starting. So I snooze and snooze, and they never get done. For example… reaching out to past clients. I never did that, there’s always a fire that needs putting out. But now, you can have emails going out to clients automatically, every quarter. And once you’ve reached out, you have to do it! You’re accountable to that client.

Think about it – is there anything in your todo app… that you can turn into a recurring email?

I know I’m biased, but sending recurring emails has really helped me:

  • clear my schedule, by turning some meetings into emails;
  • do things for my business, on auto-pilot; or at least start them;

There are many more ways people can use this productivity hack. And I’m curious how YOU would use it. Do me a favor – try Recurrr. It’s free during beta, and we plan a big discount when it comes. Please reach out if you have feedback, good or bad, I’d love to hear about it.

Thank you for your time. I hope Recurrr will soon save you A LOT more time than the duration of this article. Cheers!

Founder of Recurrr.com and DigitallyHappy.com